Listen to Çınar's Episode on Boston Consulting Group's Podcast: Envisioning the Future of Aviation in 2050

Dr. Gökçin Çınar was a guest on Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG’s) Podcast, ‘Climate Vision 2050’, which explores how humankind will heavily reduce carbon emissions to become a ‘net-zero world’. In the episode, ‘Sustainability at 36,000 Feet’, Çınar was asked to imagine that it was 2050 and reflect on the advancements that the aviation industry made in order to fly sustainably. The podcast was hosted by Ryah Whalen, the Executive Director of Innovations at BCG.

Click here to listen to this episode and imagine what flying will be like in 2050.

Gökçin Çınar
Gökçin Çınar
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Paul Mokotoff
Paul Mokotoff
PhD Student and Graduate Research Assistant

Paul Mokotoff is a graduate student research assistant in the IDEAS Lab at the University of Michigan.
